5 Mind-Boggling Books to Read This Month

Could it be that the author is a genius or guilty of writing painstaking nonsense? James Joyce’s novel, Finnegans Wake (1939) lacks a clear plot and is full of idiosyncratic language. When the topic of the most confusing books of all time comes up, Joyce’s novel, Ulysses, deserves to be mentioned, which was written in … Read more

The Fundamental Right to Read

Every September as school buses refuel and become a fixture on the roads again, retail stores have “back to school sales,” and routines become the norm for families with kids in school. Another annual ritual is gearing up. Libraries and bookstores begin promoting Banned Book Week, an annual awareness campaign promoted by the American Library … Read more

5 Books With a Made-Up Language You Should Collect

When was the last time you struggled desperately to understand what the larger-than-life characters in a book were talking about? You can pull out your handy-dandy dictionary, use the self-indulging Google search engine, or ask a promising friend only to still be uncertain. It could be that the characters you faithfully read about have their … Read more

7 Books About Nonconformity That You Should Read Right Now

Whether it is our neurotic behavior, tendency to obsess, or impulsiveness, we can be attracted to rule-breakers or simply nonconformists. To my knowledge, a person does not have to have a rebellious lifestyle to gain the interest of others but can have an individuality that they are willing to defend against social norms. When finding … Read more