What Makes A Writer Regret Reading Their Own Book?

How often do you think that authors reread their published books, just for the joy of it? Most novelists and writers probably tend to avoid reading their own work, because they rarely consider their work finished. When a publisher release the book and the readers buy it, it is usually a recent draft. Maybe there … Read more

5 Humorous Books You Should Read In November

It’s not too late to have a sense of humor or read a book about it. A sense of humor can be like an amplified good-natured attitude, but there is also the notorious put-down humor, used to criticize and manipulate through teasing, sarcasm, and ridicule. Having a sense of humor also has the risk of … Read more

5 Books Written by Skateboarders That You Should Read

Skateboard literature will allow any skater to be a better performer by learning about the sport’s roots. Your personal library should be filled with skateboarding literature if you’re passionate about skating. It can be that you prefer an audiobook about skateboarding that contextualizes the act of rebellion. Do you prefer revolutionary storylines? Whatever the case … Read more

5 Must-Read Sherlock Holmes Graphic Novels

There is a plethora of Sherlock Holmes adaptations and spin-offs to read, but is there a best Sherlock Holmes graphic novel? The fictional super-detective, Sherlock Holmes and real-life serial killer, Jack the Ripper, have often met in fiction, like Lindsay Faye‘s novel Dust and Shadow: An Account of the Ripper Killings by Dr. John H. … Read more

5 Romance Novel Characters We’d Switch Places With This Week

Have you ever been reading a romance novel and thought about how you’d prefer to have the admirable characteristics and skills of a specific character? For a change, would you prefer to be a particular character in a romance novel, solely based on how someone else made them feel hopelessly in love? I don’t care … Read more

5 Childhood Books That Deserve to Be Found in Cereal Boxes

All of the necessary details for cereal are contained on the packaging, but what about the rewards that children are looking for inside the box? There is a reason why we are aware that certain cereals are potentially harmful to our bodies, but many of us still consume them. It’s not always because of the … Read more