Books for the Boy that Does Not Read

Every bookseller has probably heard some variation on “my teenage son/nephew/grandson doesn’t read. I want to get him a book. What should I get him?”

99% of the time, this is blatantly not true. He does read… otherwise why get him a book at all? The real question is actually one of these two, and its important to determine which:

Tips on Taking Great Digital Pictures of Your Books

Take your photos in natural light with no flash. You books will look best in sunlight. Artificial light may add a strange color tint to photos. Sun is always best. Use a sunny windowsill. Make sure the surface you are photographing on is clean and is relatively uninteresting. Don’t photograph them on your rug. Use something that is a single color…

Have you Created your Pastafarianism section yet?

Pastafarians take note, finally your own section in a bookstore!
Lots of bookstores have a Christian fiction section. However, in some areas it may be a good idea to have a section devoted to another religion rather than lumping it into the “other” section. Often you’ll see sections devoted to Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, or general “eastern religions”.

Some tips for ad image design

Timing is everything If you’ve looked at advertising through banner ads, the thought of using an animated ad has probably crossed your mind. Or maybe you’ve seen some cool animated icons on forums and you want one of your own. You can pack more info into an animated image than you can into a static … Read more