The Most Famous Bookstore in the World

Few book lovers are unfamiliar with one of the most famous independent bookshops in the world, Shakespeare and Company in Paris, France. Fewer may know that it was an American, Sylvia Beach who opened the iconic bookshop on Nov. 19, 1919. Beach first wanted to be a writer but found she couldn’t live with the … Read more

Unexpected Self Reflection Found in The Twig Book Shop

With the combination of Texas heat and a very bored three-nager, it was clear that we needed to visit a splash pad. Iced coffees in hand and towels in tow, the family navigated to the center of the Pearl District. We sat on ornate metal chairs shaded under an umbrella-table combo. We talked about our relatively good … Read more

The Greyhound Fills a Bookstore-Sized Hole in a Thriving Downtown

When The Greyhound opened, it fit neatly into a bookstore-shaped hole in Berlin, MD. Berlin is one of those traditional-looking small towns that has undergone a 21st-century revival. Once home mostly to various degrees of “antique” shops, the last decade has seen the second-hand places give way to restaurants, tonier boutiques, and shops. It was … Read more

Inside {Pages} a Bookstore

As waves hit the shore nearby, the reader takes one step through the welcoming Dutch double door and enters {pages} a bookstore, a safe haven where troubles are left behind and a hub of literary offerings and activities await. Shelf-talkers call out titles and offer recommendations, enticing readers to try something different. Diverse specialty book … Read more

Best Bookshop Memories

Strolling through a bookshop with time on your hands to pick and choose books that intrigue you, pulling them out, reading the covers, putting one back and selecting another to purchase, and seeing recommendations from booksellers is a wonderful hands-on pastime. This universal shared experience occurs anywhere in the world. But often, one moment in … Read more

This Mountain Town Bookshop Is Having an Unexpected New Normal

When he opened Main Street Books in 1988, Fred Powell’s plan was limited to serving the community. He had no experience in writing or publishing nor did he have a love of books greater than any other educated person. He had adopted Frostburg and wanted to start a business that his neighbors said they thought … Read more