The Hemingway Rare Book Buyer Test

Where to buy rare books ? Ever wonder how the search engine sites for rare books compare? While you might have one experience with a certain class of rare books, that same site might not deliver as well when it comes to locating others. And when you are first aware of that fact, the fear … Read more

Convention warrior- selling at fairs, conventions, & festivals

Dealer's hall- Anthrocon 2010

Slow sales for the past year may make trying out a local festival or convention an appealing option.  But the leap from booking a space to actually selling in it can be intimidating, even if you have a brick and mortar location already.  If you’re internet only, it may be even more daunting!

I’m off to FurFright next weekend to sell books to werewolves.  Having done quite a few of these special events, local fairs and festivals, trial and error has revealed quite a few general rules for when you’re selling at an event.

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Book Sellers: Don't Fear the eBook

I went to the New York Comic Convention this past weekend. In between wandering the show floor, meeting authors, artists, and book store owners who had booths there I decided to take in a couple of panels on the state of the comic industry. While the comic industry is slightly different from the book industry, … Read more