Rare Book Descriptions, The Title Page

The bibliographic description is a method of cataloging rare books that helps librarians, archivists and collectors distinguish between different texts. In a descriptive bibliography, there are generally five main parts. The transcription of the title page is typically the first of these. The others include the formula, which gives information about the construction of the … Read more

Condition, Shelving, Identifying, and Evaluating First Editions

Coming from a smaller venue where the books were mostly paperbacks and the space limited,  to being seated behind a huge desk in a beautifully appointed room was a little bit of a jolt. The amount of employees was tripled,  with two floors of stock, a shipping department, and rare expensive titles in an unlocked … Read more

Where have all The Great Books gone?

It’s the time of the year where students have to pick up the required summer reading for high school.  While these lists are filled with good books, they are increasingly light on what are often referred to as “The Great Books.”  They aren’t gone, but they no longer comprise the bulk of the required reading. … Read more