Rare Book Descriptions, The Title Page

The bibliographic description is a method of cataloging rare books that helps librarians, archivists and collectors distinguish between different texts. In a descriptive bibliography, there are generally five main parts. The transcription of the title page is typically the first of these. The others include the formula, which gives information about the construction of the … Read more

Rare Book Collections by Category

The majority of rare book collectors do not purchase any random rare book considered valuable, but collect within one or more specific category. Most rare book collectors prefer to develop collections based on their interests and their knowledge of a particular subject rather than as a blind dispassionate investment in something of which they are … Read more

Insuring Your Rare Book Collection

There comes a time when the worst thing imaginable happens to a rare book collector and a book is lost for all time. Their house burns, floods, or the dog eats it, or maybe even an old college friend down on her luck pockets the venerated possession and runs. Yes, the worst-case scenario can happen … Read more

The Hemingway Rare Book Buyer Test

Where to buy rare books ? Ever wonder how the search engine sites for rare books compare? While you might have one experience with a certain class of rare books, that same site might not deliver as well when it comes to locating others. And when you are first aware of that fact, the fear … Read more