Is eBay One of Your Suppliers?

Are you a buyer or a seller on eBay? I’m guessing that since your visiting a blog on book selling you may be a seller. I’ve been selling for a while on eBay and have seen prices sink lower and lower while fees continue to climb, so much so that I’ve made the decision to close our eBay Store. The numbers just could not justify keeping it running. I still monitor the site almost daily as it’s far and away the best source for real time information and will continue to sell the odd book here and there. I sell now with the idea that I’m taking a 50% loss in exchange for a fast buck. The thing we need to keep in mind is that buying at 50% off can be a pretty sweet deal for items that you know will sell in your shop. It’s kind of a golden rule isn’t it? When prices are low, be a buyer not a seller. If you look around enough and know what your patrons want you will find bargains on eBay, lots of them. Tomorrow we’ll give you a review of a tool that makes hunting for deals on eBay a lot easier. HINT: It will run 50 simultaneous searches for you every few minutes and only give you the results you ask for.

3 thoughts on “Is eBay One of Your Suppliers?”

  1. Ebay is an excellent learning tool and therein lies its value. I check completed listings and confine the search to books over $50 but less than $300 and I keep my eye out for those titles or genres when scouting. As far as the ebay store, I’m surprised at how well mine does. I sell more books through it than through ABE Books which, after the holiday season, I must say goodbye to.

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