Famous Librarian Nancy Pearl's Funny and True Rules About Reading

Nancy Pearl, the librarian with an action figure to her name, has revised her ’50 page’ rule. First, if for some reason you’ve never heard of the book maven, here is a link to her home page.


What is a ’50 page rule’ and how was it revised?


If you are like me, and that 50 year mark has come and gone,  you completely understand the need to move on to books that catch your attention immediately.

Thank you, Ms. Pearl, for stating out loud what I’ve secretly been guiltily  practicing for a couple of years!

1 thought on “Famous Librarian Nancy Pearl's Funny and True Rules About Reading”

  1. This ‘Rule of 50’ is one book I recomend reading. Nancy Pearl once again shows how talented she is as a Writer, kudos! Nancy Pearl is a long-time librarian and writes book reviews for both local and national publications. Her book expertise and recommendations are gathered in Book Lust, a compilation of books of all genres for every mood, moment, and reason as is her catch-phrase

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