Bookstore Profiles – We Want to Hear About You

How about a little free publicity for your bookstore? The Bookshop Blog will be opening a new section on the site and we need your help. We will be starting up a Bookstore Profile section in the hopes of giving you a little insight into your fellow bookshop owners, at the same time we hope that we can promote your shop a bit. Perhaps you’ll read about a shop you knew of in a neighbouring town but didn’t know their story or an online venture that you were considering using.
What we would like is little story about you and your shop. Some helpful details would be nice. Things like why you chose your name/location/specialty and how that decision has worked out for you. Also if you could provide one move that greatly enhanced your business (if you have one) or, just as informative, any bookselling mistakes you may have made and what you wouldn’t have done in hindsight. Anything else that you’d care to sharewould be fine, my editor’s marker doesn’t get used to much. Oh, and please include a couple of images.

Coming your way in return would be some front page exposure on the site for a minimum or three days (longer at times). This should get a thousand pairs of eyes on your name at the very least. Of course some links to your site and address etc. will all be included. If interested or if you have any questions send me a note at: or use the contact for below.


1 thought on “Bookstore Profiles – We Want to Hear About You”

  1. Thanks Bruce – This is another BRILLIANT idea (note caps) and it sounds like it will be more work for you. Do know that your endeavors are appreciated.


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