Amazon and the eBook Reader

Looks like Amazon is set for an attempt to conquer the eBook market with a new reader called the Kindle. CNet tells us that they plan a big launch on Monday with Mr. Bezos himself. Poor little eBooks have been waiting for years for the killer app (or killer vehicle to be more precise) to help bring them to the masses. Being in the book business I’m probably much more likely to notice somebody using an eReader, still never seen one.

Here’s what I’ve been able to find online in regards to what it may look like. I’ll tell you right know if this is an accurate representation it will be an absolute flop. The only way a reader will work is if it looks somewhat like a nice book, sturdy, leather cover, minimal buttons.

The Kindle is equipped with a Wi-Fi connection that taps into an Amazon e-book store, which users can access to purchase new electronic books–and Amazon has reportedly signed onto a deal with Sprint for EVDO access. Additionally, the device comes with a headphone jack for audiobooks, as well as an e-mail address.

read the full story at CNet

The image comes from Gizmodo, here’s more on the Kindle from them.

*** Update: Here’s the skinny right from Amazon. Just click the play button.

8 thoughts on “Amazon and the eBook Reader”

  1. Nora,
    I can’t believe this is what they will actually present. It must be some kind of prototype. If this is what they think will grab potential eBook reader’s imaginations, well it’s laughable.

  2. Looks like something that would be seen on a large corporation’s receptionist desk.

    Why all the buttons. Off/On and Backward/Forward. Maybe a third for bookmarks. Of course they do need a couple more for the downloading via a sky eye. Although they could put a flip open cover over the buttons.

    I liked your description better than the picture. “…looks somewhat like a nice book, sturdy, leather cover, minimal buttons.

    Here is something for the conspiracy theorists. – Wonder if they can track you with this device?


  3. The name “kindle” seems like an odd choice since the main meaning for the word is “set on fire”. I don’t think that’s a word you want to associate with any kind of book related device. Maybe they went for the “to excite” or “to illuminate” meaning. I’m pretty sure they weren’t going for the “litter of baby bunnies” one.

    Though if they made it baby bunny shaped they’d probably have a hit. Who can resist bunnies?

  4. Aside from the price (I’m assuming it won’t be too costly) with all those buttons and the size of the thing and the email address that comes with it what does it offer that would make a potential buyer even consider it rather than a laptop?

  5. The name “kindle” seems like an odd choice since the main meaning for the word is “set on fire”.

    I think they thought if the instrument fails to “set on fire” the name would do…

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