A Few Other Bookish Sites for You

Of course we’re not the only folks writing about books and bookselling. Here are a few other tidbits for you.

Have a great weekend!

When You Are Engulfed in Flames by David Sedaris

… ‘David Sedaris’s ability to transform the mortification of everyday life into wildly entertaining art,’ (The Christian Science Monitor) is elevated to wilder and more entertaining heights than ever in this remarkable new book. …

[we just can’t get enough of Mr. Sedaris’ books. His stuff sells as fast as we can find it]

Top 10 Best Selling Books of 1952

You will find these titles easily in any good used book store, garage sales, flea markets, auctions, and internet book shops. This list of the top 10 bestsellers for 1952 was compiled by Publishers Weekly magazine. …

Secrets of a Jedi Bookseller

It’s one of my favorite discussions. I love to sell books. Some might even say I have a mutant power of sorts; this uncanny ability to match a person to the perfect book, which they didn’t even know they wanted. …

Can Somebody Make Money Selling E-Books Online?

Naturally the big challenge with selling e-books is to attract traffic in high enough volumes to successfully get a steady stream of enough prospects to be able to register sales regularly. One of the ways of doing this is through …

Your books ain’t gonna sell themselves!

One of my favorite methods for marketing and selling books is with live events. This used to be my primary method before I got immersed in the power of Internet Marketing. Channel: Books Tags: selling books authors writers marketing …

Effective Strategies For Selling Books Online

The first thing that you will need to do prior to selling books online is decide which genre you would like to specialize in. Many online entrepreneurs have found that by selling books that are informative, and nonfiction in basis, …

We will be sending out these link lists a little more often, perhaps at least once a week. If you have a blog related to books and want us to include it here please drop me a line. Hope you enjoy these ones.

2 thoughts on “A Few Other Bookish Sites for You”

  1. Great links. You should do more posts like this – they always seem to be great resources. Thanks

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