My Personal Experience with Book Collecting as a Casual Reader

You may have started book collecting as well or perhaps you are just curious about the subject. Whatever your reason for being here, I’m more than happy to share my journey with you. I have collected books of all shapes & sizes since secondary school, beginning with small picture books and gradually increasing my collection to various genres over the years. Bookshops have definitely been catalysts for this avocation. Without access to a local library or bookshop, I’m sure that this pastime would not have grown into what it is today! I have unfortunately said au revoir to many books throughout my life, but on the better side of this situation, at least room was made for more literature!

What is Your Reason for Collecting?

When we gain a new habit, we may be curious as to why exactly we do it. It may have started spontaneously, or it could have been forming subconsciously over many weeks. Book collecting is something that came naturally to me. With every chapter completed came a flood of anticipation for what was about to happen next. After finishing a novel, the desire to discover & learn ruminated within my mind, and the cycle began once more. This is how I have become the avid reader that I am today.

Related: Book Collecting Resources

Have you thought about this question? If you haven’t, allow me to use myself as a further example. My reason for collecting books is, simply put, that it makes me happy. It has made me happy since I was a child, and the joy it brings has never left my life. You’ve heard of people collecting coins, trading cards, and vinyl records, among other things, so what is different with books? Collecting brings a sense of fulfillment with each new addition and fuels our everlasting hunt for discovery. The next thing you know, you will be scouring the aisles of your local bookstore in search of the missing volume of your soon-to-be complete set of mystery thriller novels.

“Bookshelf” by trawin is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

My given reason for collecting is seen very commonly among beginner and expert collectors alike. Happiness is something we all desire within our lives, and if that desire can be obtained through collecting, then that is more than a great reason to pursue it. What was the spark that lit the flame of passion within you? Did you realize your favorite author had written more novels than you knew about? Are you simply looking to expand your horizons of the written word? Whatever the case is for you, I hope it succeeds in bringing you joy.

So Many Genres…I Can’t Decide

There is no reason you need to stick to one specific book genre to collect. With an expansive variety of genres to choose from, I can easily see how a beginner would become overwhelmed. The short answer to this issue is a single word: happiness. If you are still unsure about what genres make you feel happy, ask a family member or a friend for their advice in choosing a path to begin with. The worst that could come from asking is that you may not enjoy the suggestions they provide. How were you to know what you would and would not like if you hadn’t been open to trying?

Personally, I prefer non-fiction, informational, and educational books. This is likely because I possess a passion for learning that I fulfill by reading. I know a handful of people who prefer mystery novels, while others may choose manga as their starting point for a collection. There is no predetermined route you have to travel in this hobby. Book collecting is very individualistic and allows you to surround yourself with stories that mean something to you, even when no one else may see them as such. If you are friends with others who differ in their preference of genres, a simple book swap may be a great way to expose yourself to content you may have never known you would enjoy otherwise!

What Makes a Book Collector?

If you are anything like me, you may think that in order to be a good book collector, you need to have upscale materials & elaborate storage systems for your collection, right? Not at all. You are as worthy of using such a title for yourself as anyone else! Do you have a few complete sets? Book collector. The stacks of books in the corner of your room that have not been read in years? Book and dust collector!

book collectors resources
Book Collectors Resources (image the property of Bruce Hollingdrake)

In my case, I would consider myself to fall into the category of a casual collector who has not collected any new material in at least a year. As we are all different, so are our journeys to become the best collectors that we are able to be. As long as you are happy, what power does anybody else’s judgment truly hold?

After love, book collecting if the most exhilarating sport of all.

A. S. W. Rosenbach

Thank you for reading this brief post discussing just a few of my personal experiences with collecting books. Perhaps my story could be an incentive for you to begin collecting whatever books make you happy. Feel free to leave a comment letting me know what collecting means to you!

Looking for another place to buy additions to your collection? Check out our content diving into the vast world of bookshops!