Bullet Tip –> Thrift Shops

In the ‘I don’t know why I didn’t think of this myself’ department comes a tip from the Bytown Bookshop Blog in Ottawa.

Why not visit your local Thrift Shop the day after a 50% off sale. They tend to sell a pile of books during these sales, most likely some of them to you. Most thrift shops keep stacks of books in the back room. Now with the extra shelf space opened up many of these books will be brought out for the first time. A prime time for picking up little gems. I’ll give this a whirl and report back later

From Bytown Bookshop: Case in point, when I hit the SA last Wednesday after the recent 50% sale there was a shelfload of vintage novels from the turn of the century. Most of it was dreck, however there was one little gem that I snapped up as soon as I laid eyes on it. A first Canadian edition of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Last Bow.