Grave Sins by Jenna Maclaine is an urban fantasy series featuring Cin Craven as the heroine. Although this is only the second novel it is technically part five in the series. The original story appears in the anthology, “Mammoth Book of Irish Romance”, the second in the collection, “Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance”, the third is the novel, “Wages of Sin”, and the fourth in the anthology, “Strange Brew.” Cin Craven is a tremendous heroine and by far one of the most powerful I have read about in a long time. She is a witch turned vampire who is now known as The Red Witch of the Righteous. She is also somewhat of a pet project of the goddess, Morrigan.
The attention to detail and vivid descriptions in this story are wondrous additions to the fantasy world Jenna has created. She has developed this realm of the supernatural world well over the various installments of the series. It is truly masterful writing, which pulls you into her universe. Her attention to character development is also well noted. Cin for example, has grown to great heights over the course of the saga. She begins as a meek witch barely into her powers with virginal ideals. By the time we reach Grave Sins she has become the most powerful witch of all time who fights with the Righteous for justice in the vampire world. She is watched over by Morrigan constantly, who helps her focus the dark magic that is inside her. Michael, Cin’s consort and a fellow member of the Righteous, is a character that I have come to fall in love with. He is strong, brooding and temperamental and yet passionate and endearing. Devlin and Justine complete the foursome and are polar opposites of one another. The romance and sensuality are laced throughout the plot, which is laden with action, betrayal and violence. However, the many sub plots hovering around the edges dilute the main storyline. They tend to have a dizzying effect on the reader, and deflect from the purpose of the story. Overall, each of the various plots is resolved and leave the reader satisfied with the results.
Jenna is a fairly new author and this is her first series. To date, there are two more parts to Cin’s legacy, “Bound By Sin” and a short story in the collection, “Huntress
.” I have not received any confirmation as to whether or not the series will continue. Although, I look forward to reading, “Bound By Sin” I am hoping the storyline will be a little more contained so it will be easier to focus on.
Do you review all different types of genres? If you do then I’d like to suggest the follow:
– A Child Called It – Dave Pelzer
– Have a Nice Day: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks – Mick Foley
Actually I have read the David Peltzer novel many years ago. I found it heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time. To give birth to another human being is a precious and wonderful thing, and to turn on your own child is a hideous and wretched action. If you like those types of books let me recommend another, Secrets in the Cellar.