And The Lefty And Dilys Winners Are . . .

Attendees at the 2011 Left Coast Conference in Santa Fe voted for the following winners.

The Lefty Award for the Best Humorous Mystery Novel: The Pot Thief Who Studied Einstein—J. Michael Orenduff

The Bruce Alexander Memorial Historical Mystery Award for the Best Historical Mystery Novel, Events pre-1950–The Mapping of Love and Death–Jacqueline Winspear

The Hillerman Sky Award for the Mystery that Best Captures the Landscape of the Southwest–The Spider’s Web-Margaret Coel

The Watson for the Mystery Novel with the Best Sidekick–Junkyard DogsCraig Johnson

The Dilys Award for the Book that Independent Mystery Booksellers Loved Selling the Most in 2010– Bury Your Dead–Louise Penny



2 thoughts on “And The Lefty And Dilys Winners Are . . .”

  1. I’m very happy to see that “Bury Your Dead” won the Dilys Award. Louise Penny is the best mystery writer I’ve read in the past few years.

    • You and so many others have praised her. And I’ve yet to read one. Better not say that out loud, she’s a facebook friend, lol. I have no reason for not having done so, just haven’t gotten around to her yet, but low and behold, I will!

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