Should I Self-Publish?

We’ve recently become a LIFer. A what?  Location Independent Family that is 🙂

Bruce already runs a pretty successful business online and I’ve started dabbling in writing and blogging, which to my own surprise, I’m actually really enjoying. GreatLetsGo is our travel blog which I’ve been most active on and now I’m going to bring our BookShopBlog site back to life! As a LIFer, I (we), follow other like-minded families that are doing the same. Almost Fearless, a family that’s been travelling since 2008! “That’s a long time in travel years”, says Christine 😉

Christine Gilbert, who runs the Almost Fearless Blog is an author and photographer. She is hosting a free webinar on self-publishing v. traditional publishing.

You can read all about it here and perhaps check out the free webinar…