[Editor’s Note: As you know – the More Bookshops the Better has been a pretty steady sentiment on this blog – so in hopes of seeing a new one pop up in Nuneaton, UK we’ll help Michael get the word out and keep his enthusiasm pumping.]

That was August. Since then I’ve sorted bank accounts, collected thousands of books and contacts and almost a property. As I type I have the solicitors letter next to me that I need to sign to progress further for the property. I’ve been told a completion date will be January so I’m looking to open in February or March. I have managed to start selling online though. The website was set up a few months ago and is growing steadily and can be found at www.thebigcomfybookshop.co.uk. I add books more or less daily and so far there are about 1000 on there. I also started a blog about the shop, books and Nuneaton at www.thebigcomfybookshop. blogspot.com. Also the usual facebook and twitter accounts www.facebook.com/ thebigcomfybookshop andwww.twitter.com/bigcomfybooks. I have poured everything I have into this idea and hope it comes off! Another side part of the shop will be a small cafe. I’ll be selling homemade cakes from local suppliers (already found!) plus tea’s, coffee’s and hot chocolates, nothing fancy. I also have a background in music so will host acoustic nights, ideally once a week but I may be snowed under with everything!
This blog has given me so much support and help via posts. I’ll keep you updated to how I’m getting along.
Michael McEntee