Famous Librarian Nancy Pearl's Funny and True Rules About Reading

Nancy Pearl, the librarian with an action figure to her name, has revised her ’50 page’ rule. First, if for some reason you’ve never heard of the book maven, here is a link to her home page. http://www.nancypearl.com/?page_id=2 What is a ’50 page rule’ and how was it revised? http://www.shelf-awareness.com/issue.html?issue=1388#m11451 If you are like me, … Read more

Comfort Reads

Have you ever had a particularly crappy day and needed something to read that would be familiar, give a cozy feeling, a sense of comfort to you? If sick, in bed or the hospital, are the books you crave of a nature to cheer you up? These are called ‘comfort’ reads. Where the phrase comes … Read more

Sad News-Brian Jacques, Author of Redwall Series Passes Away

I used to see his titles on the shelves all the time, and whenever I saw an illustration of what looked to me like a ferret–I would get excited. Of course, the animal was either a weasel or stoat, and unfortunately evil, but nonetheless I was happy the ferret relatives were getting press. It is … Read more

One Writer's Thoughts on e-books, and Bad News from Powell's Bookstore

On the same page located on shelfawareness.com, a wonderful quote by an author sums up my feelings, and probably many other booklovers, to a tee. Right below this piece is the news about the big and wonderful independent bookstore in Portland OR, USA, Powells, who has had to lay off 30 workers over the past … Read more

Extremely Important Info for Canadian Booksellers

On Qull and  Quire an open letter by the CEO of Macmillan publishers regarding the bankruptcy of their Canadian distributer was posted. Booksellers should take note–it may affect their deliveries of anything shipped from this publishing house. Here’s then link: http://www.quillandquire.com/blog/index.php/2011/02/04/open-letter-from-macmillan-ceo-john-sargent-to-canadian-booksellers/

The Best Books Of All Time

I asked myself, what does that mean? The best books of all time? Best fiction? Best nonfiction? Both? From what time frame–the beginning of time–do cave drawings count? Books–are plays included, how about poems, religious tomes, children’s books, what languages, the questions were endless, with no definitive answer. The lists I saw ranged from strict … Read more

Booksellers Owe Their Customers The Postman’s Rings

Ever wonder what the The Postman Always Rings Twice means? It has nothing to do with character or plot within the classic crime novel. James Cain worked out a system with his mailman. If he rang once, this means the envelope was thick, probably full of a contract and advance from a publisher. If the … Read more