Should One Person Decide A Schoolbook Should Be Banned?

One woman’s quest to ban a book in a Middle York, PA elementary school library continues on, even though district officials and educators deemed it acceptable reading in March 2010. The book in question is Stolen Children by Peg Kehret. A quick synopsis: A 14 year old and the child she’s babysitting are kidnapped, held, and threatened at knife and gunpoint. All’s well in the end. But Megan Ketterman feels there is too much violence within and that children in the 4th 5th and 6th grades should not be exposed to it. She had her say on Jan. 16 2011 in front of the Middle York PA school board and they are expected to rule soon, if they haven’t already-I’ve not seen any updates.

So how do you as booksellers and owners feel about banning a book on the basis of one person’s complaint? And should any book be banned due to ‘violent’ content?
Here is my opinion–warning, my opinions can be strong, like garlic, lol.

First–I’ve been to York PA, and trust me, kids in 4th 5th and 6th grade are more likely to have *experienced* violence first hand, then to have vicariously lived it through a book.

Second, since when did one person’s opinion force a school board to rule upon the appropriateness of  a title? When did the USA’s education system stop being about teaching the majority of students, and start catering to one parent? Let her ‘shield’ her own children, other parents have the right to decide what is appropriate for theirs.

Third, really Ms. Ketterman, just because a book resides in the school library doesn’t mean every student within the school will be exposed to it–they need to borrow it, read it, and return it for more and more kids to see it. And the likelihood of tons of kids going ape over one title if you hadn’t made such a bru-ha-ha over it is nil.

Fourth, if you are banning books due to violent content, then original fairy tales are out, all history books need to go, and let’s not forget one of the most violent volumes of all–the Bible.

Banning books for any reason is unacceptable. Period.

As I aforementioned–my garlicky opinion–so what’s yours?

To read an article about the book banning check this out

PS–Alice in Wonderland has been banned many many times in various countries