How Reading Helps Shape Emotions: Part 1

Over the years, reading has had a profound effect on my thoughts, beliefs, and most of all, sense of self. Readers make emotional investments in literary choices that impact the way we feel, think, and act. Samuel Johnson (1708-1784) wrote, “A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it.” How true. Looking through the … Read more

Character Studies: The Good, the Bad, the Evil…And the Ambiguous

“The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.”Hannah Arendt (The Life of the Mind, 1978) In fictional stories, as in real life, we know that events, inner struggles, and moral decisions can take people from the “dark side” to the “light.” … Read more

Booksellers: A History & Homage

The story of published books from paper form to printed page dates back to ancient times. Worldwide, written words found their way onto scrolled manuscripts made of papyrus or parchment, their edges sometimes mounted onto rollers for ease of opening and closing. Innovations in upgraded paper and binding techniques followed. History Abridged: How Books and … Read more

“Book” Is the Most Useful Word

Figurative expressions, also called “idioms,” have come into common usage in the English language, crop up regularly in reference to the word “book.” A phrase can even contain the actual meaning of “book” in some form. Related: What’s in a Book? But often, the word morphs into an entirely different thought than the original definition. … Read more

Inside {Pages} a Bookstore

As waves hit the shore nearby, the reader takes one step through the welcoming Dutch double door and enters {pages} a bookstore, a safe haven where troubles are left behind and a hub of literary offerings and activities await. Shelf-talkers call out titles and offer recommendations, enticing readers to try something different. Diverse specialty book … Read more

Best Bookshop Memories

Strolling through a bookshop with time on your hands to pick and choose books that intrigue you, pulling them out, reading the covers, putting one back and selecting another to purchase, and seeing recommendations from booksellers is a wonderful hands-on pastime. This universal shared experience occurs anywhere in the world. But often, one moment in … Read more

Romance Is a Bonus Book (Netflix)

It is second nature for book lovers and romantics to fall in love with the Korean dramady “Romance is a Bonus Book.” This 16-episode paean to love and books features the long-term friendship between a young boy and a slightly older girl who drift apart over time. After an unsuccessful marriage and a child, heroine … Read more

Bookshops in Films

Focus on Bookshops in Animated & Live-Action Fantasy Films “Isn’t it Romantic?” Often, bookstores feature into films, whether animated or live-action, where fairy tales, old-fashioned or modern-day, become romantic reality. We still want to believe in happily ever after. It’s magical, after all. And why not? Here we shine the spotlight on a few favorites. … Read more