Will You Buy My Used Books?

This is not a strength of mine. I am not a haggler. I walk into a store and ALWAYS pay the price that is being asked. I am trying to change this particular trait – it is not beneficial to my business to pay full price for something I’m trying to on- sell. That’s the nature of our chosen job isn’t it? We want the best quality for the lowest price, and then want a discount on top of that because our margins are so tight.

What worked and what didn't in the bookshop, 2009 edition

Thanks to a snowstorm and a fairly quiet day at the store, I was able to sneak into my office to begin sorting out the holiday piles. As I crunched numbers, I looked closely at the figures in front of me and realized we had a pretty good holiday season after all. It wasn’t just reflected in the sales sheets, either. The large pre-holiday crowds were, for the most part, happy with our selections, pleased with our customer service, and open to suggestions. Our booksellers, while welcoming the slow Monday after Christmas, were happy it was over but were telling more stories of the fun we had versus the Grinches we encountered. I looked over my cluttered desk and started to make two more piles…

What Worked in the Bookshop

1. The Best of 2009 display – We chose titles strictly on sales and focused on those that sold particularly well during Father’s and Mother’s Day. We ended up with a nice mix of fiction and nonfiction, mostly paperbacks, and things that we already had a good stack of because of their consistent sell-through. Everything was faced out on an endcap, about 40 titles altogether. We put up “filler” signage on each shelf that was no bigger than an index card-sized shelftalker because we had printer problems the week we put up the display. When sales were over $1000 within the first three days, we decided to save our ink and let the display run itself.

2. New York Times Top 100 display – Thanks to Twitter, I had this list in my hands within minutes of its online posting. We quickly set to work checking inventory – turned out we were only missing eleven of the 100 titles. We also had two local authors on the list (which created instant foot traffic). We used bright green shelftalkers to highlight the titles throughout the store and then created an endcap of titles that weren’t already on other displays. We put a small sign on the front and back doors announcing that we had the books; sales were instantaneous. The Sunday NYT book review is second in popularity only to Cleveland Plain Dealer reviews – we put up separate displays for the Top Ten, and put the PD top twenty up two weeks later. (slatwall displays these nicely)

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Love the computer, hate the power bill

computerIt’s the rare bookseller now a days that doesn’t use a computer for at least part of their operation.  There’s still a few die hards that won’t touch them, but the majority have a computer of some sort, and many shops exist only because of the computer.  As wonderful a tool as the computer is it does need power to run it.  With a little proper maintenance and some hardware improvements, you can shave some of the cost off of using this tool every day.

A little power management can shave a good chunk of change off your utility bill, especially if you have multiple machines!  Other areas of your operation like heating or lighting may account for a much larger portion of your electricity bill, but if you’re in a rental space, you often have very little control over these.  And if you’re online only, the computer really is your main power draw.  Thus why I chose to focus on this element, as its the most universal one for booksellers and you’ll have the most control over it.  (and much of what’s mentioned here can be used for dealing with other equipment)

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How To Take Advantage of Used Book Sales

If you own a brick and mortar store or sell books online and want to run a successful business you have to continually acquire new inventory.  Hopefully, you’ll have to do this frequently because your current inventory will be selling so quickly!  Sometimes finding new sources can be a difficult and time consuming task.  Depending … Read more

Full Time Job/Part Time Book Business

Throughout the few months that I have been running my blog at sellyourbooksonline.com, I’ve run into countless people just like me that are running a part time business selling books.  I’ve heard from receptionists wanting to make some money on the side to make ends meet, almost retirees that are trying to get ramped up … Read more