What's your credit policy? Let us Know.

Hi All! January 1st is a big day for us as we are changing how we do
business. In the past we would give a book credit for books that could
be used on more used books in the store, no exceptions. Most of the
time we were playing library as cash was coming in on amounts people
were spending over their credit but we are finding that people are only
spending their credit and nothing to pay the “rent” so to speak.

Some tips for ad image design

Timing is everything If you’ve looked at advertising through banner ads, the thought of using an animated ad has probably crossed your mind. Or maybe you’ve seen some cool animated icons on forums and you want one of your own. You can pack more info into an animated image than you can into a static … Read more

Using Facebook as a Cutting Edge Marketing Tool (not)

Usually the videos we share with you and insightful and intelligent. This one is neither. We have been using Facebook quite a bit as a Marketing Tool as discussed here. The downside is the stupefying amount of wastefulness that occurs. As our Friend list grows so does the list of useless invitations. Luckily I’ve come … Read more