Banned Books Week’s Timeline Titles

I never remember when Banned Books Week is scheduled. I stumbled about online, and luckily realized it was happening, now, this minute, until October 2. 2012. My fascination with the convoluted and off kilter reasons for parents, townspeople, and school boards’ objections to certain titles never wanes. How could it? Every year a new title that may have been published centuries ago, is being challenged by someone somewhere. The American Library Association in honor of 30 years devoted to pointing out threatened and banned titles, created a timeline of banned books–from the year Banned Books Week began, 1982, until this year. Some not yet read titles are familiar to me because of being challenged constantly by the ignorant. Other titles I’v’e never heard of. A great deal of them are juvenile or grade school level.

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Satan Claus Is Coming To Town

by Jas Faulkner

“He’s out.”

“He’s early this year.  Is there a reason for this?”  I could hear Sam joggle the phone as she rang up a customer and told them to have a good day.  A second later she was back.

“We got the guidelines from the not-the-city council  You know how Tab is about that.”

Bear with me and you, too, will know how Tab is about that.  But first, a little bit of history.  Ten years ago, a radio station decided to buy a three-storey building on the town square that was at one point  a storefront with apartments on the two upper floors.   They then proceeded to wreck the building, turning it into “haunted house” that was sufficiently detailed in its grue that they required a media professional to deal with the inquiries and it developed a fan following.  

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