Edgar Allan Poe Home in Baltimore MD In Trouble

Mystery Scene Magazine has published an article by Oline Cogdill about the uncertain fate of one of the United States most important author’s home being forced to close. Poe lived in several cities, including New York, where one of his former homes was carelessly torn down by New York University. You’d think a center for … Read more

Out of Jeopardy–E-Book All Ready To Go

Well, at least publishers intend to print a hardcover later on. My question, is there really a need to have either? What info could possibly be imparted about this silly contest–I say silly, because although Waldo is a computer, all computers are programmed by humans. Tell me about one computer physically programming another, and that’s … Read more

Niche Bookshops In Manhattan Inspiration for Indie Stores

A super article highlights some fantastic bookstores in NYC. I frequented quite a few while  living there, especially the superlative, Partners & Crime. Read some tidbits about why they continue to be successful. http://www.amny.com/urbanite-1.812039/little-giants-in-the-bookstore-world-big-is-not-better-1.2689092